I just got an email saying that my yellow bird is being featured on ETSY WHAT?? Oh my goodness how cool is that?! I am like so happy now that I will not be able to go to sleep now for sure! I was happy I got my stuff listed and thrilled a new follower likes my camper pillow now this! See no sleep anytime soon!
I got hubby and youngest to help me clean house, that went pretty good only had to say "hey your suppose to be helping not watch t.v." a few times hehe .. When we were finished with that i spent the rest of the day listing my stuff on ETSY sure glad i did it today! ;)
If all goes as planned tomorrow i will be making another camper pillow!
I was going to get exercising in today but shoot it took me about 4 hours to take pictures,edit and load them onto etsy. So I know tomorrow when i exercise it's going to kick my butt!
Stay true to yourself!

This is so darling! I adore the polka dot pattern with the bright yellow. Stinking cute and so talented :)
So Happy you like my yellow bird, she did turn out so cute! Thank you btw!
Also thank you so much for following me.
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