Lucky You!
You've Just Been Slugged By The Craftin Bug..

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Not as planned..

Okay so you know how i said yesterday that I was going to crochet today?. Well our oldest came over for a visit and stayed pretty much all day she just left and it is 6:30, so no time to get any crocheting in..  Loved having her pop in  :)  it was fun i just wanted to crochet, is that bad??..

Then my youngest is talking my ears off while i try and do this  blog  post ahhhhhhh! Is it time for school yet? ... heehee oh i love my kids and they are a such a joy but some days i just want to sit and not be bothered for one whole day and craft!!!!!!!!!!  Is that asking for to much??? ;)

 Maybe tomorrow i can get some crocheting in, oldest will be at work and youngest will sleep in till about noon so that gives me some time to have me time before i have to be mommy.. Oh and there is always tonight maybe after dinner if hubby isn't being to needy i can start on one.? 

It sounds like this post is all about me me me! I sound pathetic.. oh well to bad!!!!! :O)

Well guys life goes on and we moms do our best to  get everything done, some days we do and some days we just don't...

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