So Today I decided to come and write my first post, and with that being said" Hello everyone"...
blog is still very much under construction just thought I would give it
a go even though it is NO where near finished. YIKES!..
have been trying to get my creations made ready to sell on ETSY but i
have been so busy trying to draw patterns out,keep house and remember
how to do all this blogging stuff .. You see years ago I used to blog
and well, just kinda got on to doing other things and quit for a while..
But i am happy to be back into it yeah starting over with no followers
is kinda well you know sad( hehee) but they will come (hope).
Oh today
good things happened!!! I finally received in the mail some of the much needed wool felt that i am planning on using to make some of my creations . . Lots
of money went out the door on that stuff. But i had to have it.
I'm so excited about entering this next chapter in my life..
Don't you just love starting over sometimes you know wiping that old slate clean?

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